Dear St John’s College Community,

This week was to be the end of Naplan testing however the state government have extended the program by one week to accommodate students who have been unwell with Covid-19 or the flu. This means there will be further opportunities for students to undertake testing. Thank you to Mrs Chris Kargas for her exemplary planning and roll-out of the new testing program. The process has taken over 6 months – the lead time was extended to support the transition to online testing. Thanks to Mr Loc Nguyen for assisting with IT, as well as Mr Sherwood for setting up spaces and all the teachers for supervision and support. Well done to our students we know they all did their very best.

Data Wall
In the Junior School teachers have established a data wall.  Mrs Rachel Pascuzzo has been working with the Junior School team to assist them moderate learning data and identify whether students are working toward standard, at standard or working beyond standard. By determining what students already know and can do teachers plan appropriately for the next step in learning. This means every learner has their education extended.  Mrs Pascuzzo and Mrs Kargas work together across the whole of the school to ensure we provide data-driven instruction for our learners and support every student to make learning gains.

Prep Parent Meeting
Thank you to Mrs Evangelakos and Ms Burgess for meeting with our prep parents this week. I am sure all parents remember their child’s first year at school and that it is parents – as well as children – who are learning how school works.  We appreciate so many of our prep families attended and hope to hold further information sessions in the future.

Inter-school Sport
Congratulations to our girls’ soccer team who won their match yesterday. Well done to the boys who gave it their best shot.

There are many events coming up next week – please check the SEQTA noticeboard for more information.

God Bless,

Mrs Anna Urban