St John’s College, Preston, is honoured to share the exciting news of our inclusion in a special commemorative activity at Westminster Abbey later this year and a 2-page feature, in a singular commemorative book, ‘The Commonwealth at 75’. Published by St James House, London, this prestigious publication will be an official commemorative hardback album marking the 75th Anniversary of the Commonwealth with 400,000 copies to be distributed world-wide. Exploring the origins, history, and impact of the Commonwealth, the fully illustrated publication celebrates the family of nations and the ideas, individuals and organisations who have contributed to its success.

Book celebrating 75 years of the Commonwealth to be launched at Westminster Abbey - 2
Book celebrating 75 years of the Commonwealth to be launched at Westminster Abbey

The invitation was unexpected and indicated that our unique College in Melbourne is held in high regard. Of the 56 independent nations that make up the Commonwealth, we were informed that we are one of twelve educational institutions that will feature in the publication.

The publication will officially be launched later in October 2024 at Westminster Abbey, and we are very excited at the prospect of being able to take part in these momentous celebrations that will see 600 people from around the world, from all spheres of life, attend.

Read more about the Commonwealth at 75 celebrations here.